9th International Workshop "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering"

The goals
About the Conference
Call for Papers
The Venue
Program Committee
Organizing Committee
Contacts & Costs
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Call for Papers

The workshop will be devoted to the computational aspects of electrical engineering, especially signal processing, and circuit and field theory.
The scope of the conference is explained in detail in "The goals" section.

The regular papers will be classified into three main fields of research:
  • The linear and non-linear signal processing methods and tools and their applications especially in biomedical engineering
  • The computational methods in field analysis and their application in modelling of non-electrical phenomena, for example human body
  • Computational aspects of circuit and system theory and their industrial applications.

The schedule of the submission of papers:

 30.04.2008 Deadline of abstract submission
 15.05.2008 Notification of acceptance
 31.05.2008 Deadline for camera-ready papers
 15.07.2008 Conference fee due

Post conference publication:

Selection of presented papers will be (after additional revision) published in the post-conference volume of Polish journal Electrical Review (Przeglad Elektrotechniczny).
The length limit for published paper is 3 (three) pages.
Papers for publication in Electrical Review should be prepared according to the guidelines, which can be found at the journal web page. MS Word format (sample.doc) or LaTeX format (latex.zip) are accepted.